Teatteri Objekti

Teatteri Objekti on nukketeatteriesiintyjä Tessa Lepistön (s.1983) syksyllä 2009 perustama nukketeatteriin erikoistunut ammattiteatteri. Teatterin päämajana toimii Turku.

Objekti tekee yhteistyötä myös muiden teatteriryhmien kanssa. Sen produktiot ovat sulava yhdistelmä monista eri taiteen osa-alueista.

Teatteri Objektin ensimmäinen esitys Merirosvo Svarttis ja espanjalaiset kultakolikot, sai ensiesityksensä 12.5.2010.


Brief English

Puppet theatre Object
is faunded in 2009 by puppeteer Tessa Lepistö. The theatre is consentrated in object theatre and uses also hints of performance art and physical theatre as a tool to create even more interesting shows.

Puppet theatre Objects first show will have it´s premiere in 12.5.2010 and it will be performed in Seikkailupuisto, Turku, Finland. The show is called Pirate Svarttis and Spanish goldencoins and it is based on Maijaliisa Dieckmann´s book: Merirosvo Svarttis Etelämerellä (Pirate Svarttis in Southern sea) The show is mainly focused to children between 4 and 11 allthough I am sure that it will provide also interesting experiences to parents and to whole family.

Pirate Svarttis and Spanish goldencoins is a story about an old pirate who is sailing to Southern sea to find his old treasure that is hidden. It is difficult to try to rob as a professionalist anymore because during nowadays there are duties, border guards, tax collectors and everything.
So pirate finds his treasure but gets in to big trouble anyway. He also falls in love with a lovely dark eyed teacher and has to ask himself whether the journey or the result is more important.

The show is about 30 minutes.

Language: Finnish, English

Work group: Tessa Lepistö and Liisa Laitinen
On stage: Tessa Lepistö

It is possible to book the show for any occasion by sending e-mail: nukketeatteriobjekti@gmail.com