Teatteri Objekti

Teatteri Objekti on nukketeatteriesiintyjä Tessa Lepistön (s.1983) syksyllä 2009 perustama nukketeatteriin erikoistunut ammattiteatteri. Teatterin päämajana toimii Turku.

Objekti tekee yhteistyötä myös muiden teatteriryhmien kanssa. Sen produktiot ovat sulava yhdistelmä monista eri taiteen osa-alueista.

Teatteri Objektin ensimmäinen esitys Merirosvo Svarttis ja espanjalaiset kultakolikot, sai ensiesityksensä 12.5.2010.


CV English


  • Arts Academy at Turku University of Applied Sciences, Puppet Theatre Department, Bachelor’s degree 2003-2007
  • Turku Vocational Institute, Hotel receptionist 2007-2009
  • Finland’s theatre institute Tampere, Basics in acting 2002-2003
  • High School 1999-2002

Theatre employment
  • Balance, 2013 Teater Nova, Norway, Babytheatre performance, Director: Simone Thiis, performers: Tessa Lepistö and Ragni Halle
  • Åh Baby, 2012, Teater Nova ja Kattas Figurteater, Norway. Text: Gro Dahle, director: Simone Thiis, performers: Anne Helgesen (No), Andes Sanzén (Swe) ja Tessa Lepistö

  • Doll´s house (Dukkehjem-figurlig talt etter Ibsen) 2011,Kattas Figurteater Ensemble, Norway. Text: Henrik Ibsen and Anne Helgesen, director: Anne Helgesen, my role: Nanny and puppets: Emmi ja Alvar

  • Merirosvo Svarttis ja espanjalaiset kultakolikot (Pirate Svarttis and his Spanish goldencoins) Object theatre based on Maijaliisa Dieckmann´s novel Merirosvo Svarttis Etelämerellä. In Turku Finland, Spring 2010, Puppet theatre Object: director: Liisa Laitinen, dramaturgy, puppets and actress: Tessa Lepistö

  • Christmas Land, 18.12. 2009 critical street performance about commercial Christmas, in Turku Finland. Generated an idea of and realization: Tessa Lepistö

  • PoemPoint. Improvisational poetry performed according to audience´s wishes. Part of Turku Poetry weeks program 5.11. and 7.11. 2009. Performed in Bar Kuka and Puppet theatre Mundo, Turku, Finland. Generated an idea of and realization: Tessa Lepistö

  • Lunch break 14:30 Show made via sircus ja object theatre is about a customer that visites the same cafeteria in library every day at the same time. In cafeteria Sirius, main library in Turku, Finland. sircus: Salla Hakanpää, director and actress: Tessa Lepistö

  • Leipiintyneet, Performance art show about soldiers. Made to Performance art club Fluxee, Turku, Finland in April 2008

  • Dead pirates, A pirate show in Moomin world´s adventure island Väski 25.5.-11.8.2007, Naantali, Finland. Director: Mika Juusela, roles pirate Juntunen and Sarita: Tessa Lepistö

  • Still 7 monthes left, Street Performance art show in Turku Poetry week in November 2005. Show is about waiting next summer. Object theatre included. Director and one of performers: Tessa Lepistö

  • Master Albert´s woodenheads puppet show. Theatre Uusi Iloinen Teatteri produktion in Linnanmäki amusement park, Helsinki Finland 6.6.-30.7.2005. Director: Tiina Puumalainen, role Reijo the Lion: Tessa Lepistö
Other employment

  • Elevator, burlesque show 2012
  •  Crazy Flamingo Lagoon burlesque night 16.3.2012, event organizer
  • Love Game burlesque night kevät 2011, event organizer and pick up-girl 
  • Daisy-debute, Burlesque performance in New comer´s nigh,t Ravintolalaiva Wäiski 2.10.2010
  • Buto Bikaku, Ken Mai´s Butodance performance in Black and white theatre festival Imatra, 29.5.2010
Work practise

  • In Puppet theatre Akseli Klonk, Oulu, Finland 17.9.-19.12.2006. Performing in two shows Herra Huu and Jo joutuu jouluu...
Also as an employee at 16.3.-21.3.2007 and 12.4.-22.4.2007

  • Trainer in Hämeenlinna city theatre, Hämeenlinna, Finland 22.8.-2.9.2005. Observing professional theatre and rehersals of The Ugly Ducklin
  • Shadow theatre workhop with Liisa Laitinen in Katariina´s elementary school with special children. 16.2.-25.3.
  • Introduction to puppet manipulation, in Taideslummi 2008
  • Introduction to puppet manipulation, in 2007. Part of my final work.
  • Introduction to puppet manipulation, part of my studies in 2005
Studies in puppetry school

Our studies mainly consisted of workshops given by Finnish and internationally known teachers from abroad. We studied manipulation, stage design, puppet construction, directing, acting, masks, physical theatre, dance, sound design and voice technique. We had teachers like: René Baker, Eric Bass, Soile Mäkelä, Michael Wogel,Vicktor Antonov, Paolo Duarte, David Girondin Moab and Lone Nedergaard,

Other information
Other Skills

  • Language Fluent Finnish and English
  • Practical knowledge of Swedish
  • Basics in German

  • Drivers licence
  • First-aid
  • Hygiene proficiency certificate
  • License to serve
Personal Details

  • Date of Birth 29 November 1983
  • Nationality: Finnish
  • Gender: Female
  • Work status: Freelancer

  • Theatre, travelling, cultures, flamenco dance, horseback riding, yoga, lighthouses

Other experience

  •  Tap dance for beginners, belly dance for beginners